Attractions > Devil's Courthouse Information

Devil's Courthouse

incredible views of the southern appalachian mountains

The 5720 foot summit at Devil's Courthouse offers one of the best views of the Appalachian Mountains on the Blue Ridge Parkway. There is a short but somewhat strenuous walk to the summit on a fairly steep but paved and easy walking trail. The short hike up is extremely rewarding as the views from the top of the mountain are breathtaking.


At the bottom of the trail there is a sign that reads "The bare rock profile named Devil's Courthouse is sinister in appearance and legend. It's devilish look has contributed to the many folk tales surrounding this mountain".

Things To Do

The nature trail ascends to the Courthouse and has an incredible summit view of three river valleys. The 360-degree panoramic view includes North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee all at the same time on a clear day. This short, steep climb leads to the rock wall encircled overlook.

Once you are on the crest of the summit look west and you will view the crest of the Shining Rock Wilderness; look east and you will view the plummet down into the Carolina Piedmont. There is a sighting devise at the top to help you locate distant landmarks.

Birdwatchers will enjoy the sight of Hawks, ravens, vultures, and occasionally eagles and peregrine falcons riding the hot air currents that rise from the valley.

Remain on the trail at all times. There is delicate and rare high altitude plant life here including Rock Gnome Lichen and the Spreading Avens., and leaving the trail surface could damage rare and exotic plant species.


Devil's Courthouse is located in the western edge of the Pisgah National Forest on the southern end of the Blue Ridge Parkway at milepost 422.4.

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